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Cannabis Therapy for kids...
What? How? Why in the world would anyone? This is absurd! Who does she think she is? This is exhale
If that was your first thought, give me a minute.
Perhaps you heard an ounce of hope when you read "Therapy,"
Hope of the possibility there may be some sort of relief to the struggles you are faced with on a daily, most of the time, by the minute, basis. The challenges of being a parent of a child with disabilities or behavioral issues can turn you into the exact parent you swore you would never be.
I am here to share my experience, knowledge and education so you can have more options for "Therapy" using only food and nutrition to reverse deficiencies within the body at any age.
I am not a Medical Doctor and do not claim to be. I only provide this information as an educational tool for your tool box of knowledge in hopes to always encourage you to go back to the basics when cleaning and feeding our bodies so they can do what was intended. That is, to Heal itself by the important nutrients only provided by the Earth.
My Husband and I raised 3 successful children with both of my boys being on ADD medicine. The oldest didn't have any outstanding issues with the ADD medicine but he did suffer from absence seizures as well and was put on medicine to control them. He still takes it to this day because he is a grown man with a family, on the road daily and wants to avoid having a breakthrough seizure. If CBD oil was available at the time he started with the seizures, that could have been an option for us with no negative side effects.
Our youngest is in the photos. These photos were about a year apart. He was on Concerta at first. He had developed tics on it so bad I thought for sure he had Tourettes Syndrome. After months I realized it was the medicine. He was then on Stratera for the last 3yrs of his treatment. During that 3yrs he barely ate. A few bites at most was all we could get him to swallow. Eating was so foreign and difficult for him always ending in a battle.
He stopped playing the piano shortly after he started the medicine. He began playing when he was 3yrs old, classical mostly, (genius level at a young age.) He was self-taught mostly but under guidance of a teacher that soon informed us that he had surpassed her once he caught on. It was devastating when he wouldn't play. He eventually came to us to tell us he felt the medicine was making him watch "his life go by." This was actually a literal statement as he would sit by the front window and watch the neighborhood kids play with no interest in joining them.
We took him off and I promised him that we would figure out how to deal with school. He grew 14in and gained 60lbs in a year!
We struggled. We fought. We cried. We would regroup and go at it again. Sometimes clinging to me like there was no one else in the world. Other times I thought we would end up in the news with one of us severely injured and trust me, it wasn't always him.
He was so intelligent and if they would just listen to him as a peer then he would flourish. They can't as teachers. It would be chaos if they did. I get it. But, he suffered, his potential not attainable because his brain was moving at ultimate speeds in this young body, and his very old soul could not connect with the peers of his age.
We barely made it through High School. I was not sure he was going to even walk the stage yet I knew he was capable of being a Valdictorian given the correct support. At the time, I had no clue what that would look like.
Since becoming a Cannacian™ I have been able to guide him successfully and he uses Cannabis Therapy to support his Master Regulatory System. It has connected all the pieces that were flying around his brain at max speed and he now is flourishing. Had I known then what I know now, our journey would have looked so different.
Cannabis Therapy helps maintain a healthy blood sugar which is the exact cause of ADD/ADHD.
On ADD medicine and off ADD medicine. He gained 60lbs. and grew 14in within a year!
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