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Learn from others mistakes…
Throughout life we try to teach others lessons that we have learned the hard way only to mostly fall on deaf ears.
Throughout life we continue to learn the best way to navigate a situation by living through it, making mistakes, only to perfect it the second time you face it.
When you are diagnosed with Cancer the first time, the fear does not allow you to have time to educate yourself fully. It may take years of research before you have gathered enough information to feel confident to give a route a try.
Cancer is on its own timeline. As you are trying to sort through what has worked the best for most with the least amount of negative effects, the Cancer may complete its mission of eliminating its host before you are willing to throw the “kitchen sink” at it!
When eliminating Cancer you need the “kitchen sink!”
There are so many things that can lead to, support, or cause Cancer. There are just as many pathways that can starve it out and shut it off.
One common mistake people tend to make when facing Cancer is they fail to load that “kitchen sink” and then throw it at the very thing trying to take you out.
Usually, a Cancer diagnosis does not throw a person into uncharted territory (so you think) until there is no more territory for them to offer you.
By that time the “Cancer” (for lack of better term) takes hold of the very host it was thriving in and kills it!
I have spent the last 9yrs studying a lot of different ways to address Cancer.
There are so many mistakes that people make the first time they are diagnosed with Cancer. Mistakes that cost them their life just because they did not know.
You do not know what you do not know.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Cancer, please consider an appointment to go over multiple options to target many pathways Cancer may take to eliminate out its host!
I believe you can achieve your best possible outcome when you layer therapies and you should too!
Why have one soldier go to war when you can have an army?
*Wholistic Therapies are more researched with proof of positive benefits, is one topic I will cover.
What are you going to give up?
Your health or your beliefs?
Keeping a healthy mental state after a Cancer diagnosis is one of the most difficult challenges that you need to focus on first!
Events leading to a diagnosis usually come with added stress and anxiety before the actual word is even delivered to your unprepared ears.
Unprepared is exactly what you are at this moment. The world stops spinning and even though you are NOT dying in that moment, you may FEEL as you are and your life is changed FOREVER.
Just like slamming into a brick wall.
You actually may consider that the brick wall would be an easier route than the journey you are about to embark on. Although the thought may pop back in throughout your journey, please know this is your mind and body needing a rest. Meditation, breath, a workout, a good cry, possibly a nutritional juice is what brings back your strength. Possibly you find something else that will give you the drive and strength you will need. Find it first. YOU NEED THIS!
It is the first time you may feel completely alone in the world. It does not matter if you have had a happy marriage, years with a partner, kids, grandchildren and many are the one with this diagnosis. Your family and friends are not.
Suddenly you may start to live through every moment like it may be your last time experiencing it. Let me tell you, this may seem like you are loosing everything. I can assure you what you are experiencing is GRATITUDE. Gratitude is something we do not usually experience on a daily basis until the thought of losing everything makes you realize how grateful you are for everything, everyone, and every experience you have.
Please consider this a gift! This gift is a hard one to accept and it does not come easy. This gift of gratitude may come with tears that you have no control over. This gratitude may come mixed in with fear, hurt and, of course, anger.
A Cancer diagnosis comes with many things. This could look like a curse or a blessing. You have the power to make this decision.
Lets dive into power!
Knowledge is power.
There is so much information out there on Cancer and how to tackle it. You can spend hours, days, months and years reading it all IF you have the time and IF you have the ability to understand and retain all of the foreign information you will come across.
Because of the nature of my journey, I have not only researched therapies available, I have tried many throughout and can give first hand experience with details and how to look further if something appeals to you. Let me remind you, I do not claim to know everything. I am here to share my experiences with you. There are multiple viable therapies available with research you already have access to.
Knowing your options is POWERFUL!
When you prepare yourself with options you can play a vital role on the outcome of your diagnosis, and you should. You should play the most vital role in your journey. Do not allow someone to be in charge of making desicions for you. This may come as a "no brainer" to you, but for most, it is the scariest concept ever...once you realize what that means in a whole.
Do not give them all the power.
Your M.D.'s may have had years of training with tons of success stories under their belt. Please keep in mind they were brought into this world just as you. They are in a career that taught them how to practice medicine. They are taught to use therapies that were created in a lab that tries to recreate what is naturally found on this Earth. Everthing provided on this Earth was intended to help Heal us with little to no manipulation provided we get out of the way.
Everyone and thing was brought in just like you. Completely alone with a body created to create, heal, and decompose. Like every living thing on this Earth.
You will also leave the Earth the same exact way...alone. Whether or not you are surrounded by loved ones, strangers, or no one. You will be alone. If you are a religous or spiritual person then you know whom or what is with you but you are still physically alone.
Now that you have a clear picture of who really has your back in this fight you may just be ready for the power you need to take control of the battle by gaining the knowledge to see and address the elephants in the room that brought you to this point.
Are you ready? Because I am.
Even down to the gum you may chew or breath mint you may pop in your mouth. What you eat & drink, wash yourself with, styling products, lotions, oils, sprays or fragrance you allow in your space matters. Everthing that goes into your body, whether through your digestive track, orfices, or skin, gets ingested into your cells. What you are putting in is either going to feed your cells or feed your Cancer. You need to address this now, this matters. You do not know what you do not know. I will tell you this, you do not have time to put off this crucial step!
If you feel taken back a bit from what you just read please know that this is me bringing your attention to the "elephant in the room." You must be able to open your eyes and see who/what is in your room when dealing with Cancer. You may initially think your only fight is with the diagnosis but your real battle is against all the mole hills that created that mountian. There is a lot that happens or does not happen before Cancer develops and takes hold. You need to recognize and learn about all things that lead you to this moment, this website, and these exact words.
Your goals and how you achieve them is all about your approach. Your approach and how aggressive it is will determine how successfully or unsuccessfully you reach your goal.
Cancer is an aggressive disease. It can pop up out of nowhere or be living inside of you for years slowly gaining ground by taking away your capablilities one at a time. It can be caused by the environment you are exposed to, stress that you cannot recover from, or a nutritional defiency that you are unaware of. Unaware because the medical community, who we rely on to guide us through, was not created on the belief's that the body can heal itself and therefor there is no nutritional value to supplying yourself with 60 minerals, 16 Vitamins, 12 Amino Acids, as well as 3 Essential Fatty Acids needed to support a healthy body free of disease. It can also be misdiagnosed and they feel it is in your best interest to treat it as if it were Cancer. This explains why other therapies such as dog dewormer has been documented to eliminate stage 4 cancer. Yes, dog dewormer.
An aggressive approach is going to give you the upper hand when battling disease. Layering your therapies means using multiple things at multiple times to take out your target and that's exactly what I have to offer you.
I am a triple threat. I educate on 3 different approaches, Cannabis, Juicing, and Nutrition, that are Wholistic in nature as well as inform you of my experiences with other Cancer therapies that have been documented to work. I am aggressive and I will call out the elephant in the room even if the elephant is you. I wake you up. Open your eyes to a new approach to battle your disease. You can use all of the approaches I educate on alone or alongside of any other therapies you choose to use to reach your goal. Some may say I come off rough or need to lighten my delivery. Cancer can come off rough as well. It's delivery is sure to commence death. The education I have to offer will pack your tool box to deliver life threatening blow by blow punches to the very disease aimed to take you out. Cancer is an aggressive disease. You need an aggressive approach.
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