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I was diagnosed with Melanoma on the tip of my nose in 2013. Uh..Let me rephrase that... I was told we needed to treat my lesion as it is Melanoma in 2013, although not testing positive. It started with a freckle. After sharing my news with friends and family, I was approached by 2 different people and was told to look into Cannabis Oil in case I ended up in a fight for my life.
I immediately began reading, and reading, and reading…….Reaching out to others that had used Cannabis Oil to fight, whether it be when Western Medicine could no longer do more or was too damaging, outweighing the benefits, or in conjunction with Western Medicine providing protection for the healthy cells. I quickly built a Community of never-ending knowledge regarding Cannabis as a whole.
I was mostly intrigued in how the plant fits into our system so perfectly. I dove into the most beneficial way to ingest the plant specifically when fighting Cancer. This was important to me not only because of my diagnosis, but also because I lost my Dad to Pancreatic Cancer and it was not the disease that took him. It was the complications from the "cure" that Western Medicine was able to provide him.
I learned the detailed steps to producing, ingesting, and infusing pure & clean Cannabis Oil. I began using it on a daily basis but not very consistent at first. Through lots of trial and error (can be fun at times, can be a disaster) it became our “go to.” My Husband and I use it for pain relief and muscle spasms due to back problems. As well as anxiety, headaches, cramps, appetite modulator, and a great night sleep!
All of this preparation paid off in 2021 when they told me the last 7 biopsies on my nose were misdiagnosed.
What??? Misdiagnosed? HOW???
Basically, I have one pathologist that stands firmly that this is not Melanoma and 4 other establishments including Karmano's & U of M, that say this is Melanoma and I need 4 surgeries to my face to rectify it. This is based on tissue samples that are not testing genetically positive for melanoma of any type. This is based on clinical observation (because it continues to come back). When asked, they cannot rule out scar tissue! Once I got my head straight and my feet back on the ground I pushed forward knowing that Cannabis Kills Cancer! I increased my oil intake on May 11th 2021 to 20mg/kilo which worked out to be about 1300-1400mg per day and adapted other Cancer fighting therapies that have been proven. I have had incredible healing triumphs consuming this much Cannabis Oil for it truly brings you balance in so many ways!
Throughout the years I have learned so much that I want to share with you so healing and preventing disease through food and nutrition is a viable option. This way, if and when you are facing serious health issues, you will have all options and tools to tackle the matter at hand.
By the way, Cannabis IS food! That’s why your body holds on to it for 30 days.
You seriously can’t go wrong with all that was intended for us to consume.
I had a very successful career in Hairdressing for 30yrs. I was blessed to learn something from everyone who sat in my chair. My career abruptly ended when I blew out my back 10 days after being back after the 3 month shut down due to the 2020 Pandemic. I could not stand up for more than a few minutes for months, so I decided to dive into my 2nd passion and received a Certification as a Level 3 Cannacian.™
Since I was the only Cannacian™ in the State of Michigan it only made sense for me to become a trainer. A Cannacian™ is a person who is educated on how to use Cannabis as Medicine.
My new career turns out to be just as rewarding as the last! I love when “it clicks” in peoples minds and they hold the power of knowledge which gives them confidence to make well informed, educated decisions when handling their own health issues.
The FDA claims they are responsible yet no one holds them accountable… yet!
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